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黄红娟,女,博士,副研究员,硕士生导师。2006年中国科学院华南植物园获得博士学位,同年进入wnsr888威尼斯开展科研工作,主要从事农田杂草与作物互作关系,化学生态学和防控技术研究。2013-2014年赴美国Colorado State University 做访问学者。任植物保护学会杂草学分会秘书长,全国植物保护学会青年委员会委员。工作期间,主持国家自然科学基金,北京市自然科学基金,转基因生物新品种培育重大专项等科研项目;作为科研骨干参加国家“十一五”科技支撑计划项目,国家公益性(农业)行业科研专项,科技基础性工作专项,国家重点研发计划,兵团重大科技项目等多项课题;已发表相关科研论文70余篇,获相关发明专利2项,编撰相关专著2部。


Zhaofeng Huang, Xinxin Zhou, Chaoxian Zhang, Cuilan Jiang, Hongjuan Huang*, Shouhui Wei*. First report of molecular basis of resistance to imazethapyr in common lambsquarters (Chenopodium album). Weed Science, 2020, 68:63-68.

Zhaofeng Huang, Yan Liu, Chaoxian Zhang, Cuilan Jiang, Hongjuan Huang*, Shouhui Wei*. Molecular basis of natural tolerance to glyphosate in Convolvulus arvensis. Scientific Reports,2019, 9:8133.

Hongjuan Huang#, Huimin Wang#, Jorge Vivanco, Shouhui Wei, Wenlong Wu , Chaoxian Zhang*. Shift of allelochemicals from Sorghum halepense in the soil and their effects on the soil's bacterial community. Weed Biology and Management, 2017, 17(4): 161-168.

Hongjuan Huang#, Tiejun Ling#, Huimin Wang, Aocheng Cao, Chaoxian Zhang, Shouhui Wei*. One new flavonoid from Solanum rostratum. Natural Product Research, 2017, 31 (5):1831-1835.

Huang HJ, Ling TJ, Wei SH, Zhang CX*.     A new 4-oxazolidinone from Sorghum halepense (L.) Pers.       Records of Natural Products, 2015, 9:247-250.

Huang HJ, Liu C, Wei SH, Wang JX, Zhang CX *.       Dynamic root exudation of phenolic allelochemicals from Johnson grass (Sorghum halepense).Weed Biology and Management, 2015, 15:133-137.

Liu Y, Zhang CX, Wei SH, Cui HL, Huang HJ*. Compounds from the subterranean part of Johnsongrass and their allelopathic potential. Weed Biology and Management, 2011;11:160-166.

Liu Y, Zhang CX, Liu HZ, Liu T, Wei SH, Huang HJ*. Construction of suppression subtractive hybridization library from Cirsium setosum (Willd.) MB under glyphosate stress.   African Journal of Microbiolgogy Research, 2012,6(26): 5506 - 5510.

Hongjuan Huang, Yan Liu, Qinghui Meng, Shouhui Wei, Hailan Cui, Chaoxian Zhang*. Flavonolignans and other phenolic compounds from Sorghum halepense (L.) Pers. Biochemical Systematics and Ecology, 2010, 38:656-658.

苏杰天,姜翠兰,黄兆峰,马玉婷,孟帅帅,宋斌,魏守辉*黄红娟*. 大穗看麦娘与日本看麦娘的DNA条形码鉴定. 植物保护, 2021,47 (3):170-173.

黄红娟,黄兆峰,姜翠兰,杂草学,李儒海,周振荣,李贵,周凤艳,朱文达,魏守辉*. 长江中下游小麦田杂草的发生组成及群落特征. 植物保护, 2021, 47 (1): 203-211.

吴文龙,姜翠兰,黄兆峰,杂草学,白全江,云晓鹏,魏守辉,黄红娟*. 我国向日葵列当发生危害现状调查. 植物保护,2020,46 (30):266-273.
